3 Quick Ways To Fight The Feeling Of Discontent

Despite its rampant rage in society, there are 3 quick ways to fight the feeling of discontent. In order, to begin this fight, we must first know what it is.
What is this feeling of discontent and why do we experience it?

Know the meaning then fight the feeling of discontent


The Cambridge Dictionary defines it as “a feeling of wanting better treatment or improved situation.” Several other synonyms are listed such as: sadness, gloom, regret and even heart-break. In short, it is a feeling that makes us feel unsettled.
Author Julie Donely, cites four sources that lead to this feeling. She talks about unrealistic expectations; comparison of yourself with others; trying to live up to other people’s expectations and feeling unsatisfied with the life you now have.

What can we do to fight this feeling of discontent?

discontent childThe question is: how can we fight this feeling of discontent? Even though we have all the wealth and niceties the world has to offer we are often plagued by this feeling which leaves us unsettled.
Although, life is easier for many of us – we no longer hunt in the wild for food or toil long hours to eat by the “sweat of your brow” – we often find ourselves overwhelmed by the feeling of discontent.
What can we do about it? What are we searching for to make us content?

I believe the feeling of discontent springs from our search for happiness and 3 quick ways can be used to rid this feeling.

Finding happiness in the simplicity of life helps to fight the feeling of discontent

CampingThe first of the 3 quick ways to fight the feeling of discontent is to find happiness in the simple things in life. I think back to when I was most happy, and it was that time in my life when I did not have half of what I have today. Growing up, my family and I went camping and the open country thrilled me.

It still does today! An open fire with us gathered around and the stories Dad told us, was happiness on earth for me.

When the stars came out, Dad would point out the constellations to me – the big dipper, the little dipper and of course, the North Star. Beautiful Night Even to this day, every time I see a starry sky, I still look for the North Star.

Back then, I was content and free; I found happiness in the simple things of life. I had enough.

I was thankful, happy and content.

 A Thankful List goes a long way in the fight against the feeling of discontent

Thankful listThe second of the 3 quick ways to fight the feeling of discontent is to make a thankful list. Amidst the bustle of our lives, many thankful moments go un-noticed. For example, we fail to notice the flowers, the birdsongs or even the police who is directing the traffic for us in the busy street. One simple method that can help us to realise how many things we must be grateful for is by making a list. Every night before going to bed, list ten things that you are grateful for. By the end of the week you will have 70 things that you have going for you in your life. Seventy times fifty-two (do the Maths), see how many things we can be thankful for? This gives us a new perspective and reduces the feeling of discontent.

Staying healthy helps in fighting the feeling of discontent

The third of the 3 quick ways to fight the feeling of discontent is staying healthy. Many times, we take our health for granted. It is not until we are ill that we realise how precious a gift, health is to us.
Make a simple exercise schedule.  Short walks, or jogging, often do wonders. Staying healthy Strive to be healthy – there is an overload of information available about health, mindfulness, and general wellbeing.

Take a stand and do what you can today to ensure good mental and physical health.

In short, feeling content is a choice we must make and like everything else in life, it takes working on.

So, amid all the noise and confusion, find happiness in the simple things in life, be thankful and make a conscious effort to be healthy.