Authors must have a variety of interests


Authors must have a variety of interests. It helps them to write. It gives them material to fall back on when Writer’s Block comes knocking. We can all testify to that. Can’t we?

Where do I find my topics to write about?

Many of my pieces are taken from my every day experiences and from people I meet.


cover do it today

Poetry Book on Amazon

My interests span from everything creative: -art, craft, knitting, sewing, cross-stitching, music, drama, sculpting…you name it and I am interested in it.

But most of all, I have a passion for poetry and my love for reciting them led to the publication of the “Do It Today” collection of poems and the recitation of over 50 original poems on my YouTube Channel.

I am a published author on Amazon. Of Course! One day, I wish to bring about world peace with poetry. How? Let all the world stop their fighting and write poetry even just for one minute. Crazy idea eh?

          What have I done with my life?

the bahamas

Nassau. The Bahamas.

Used my drawing skills to illustrate a published children’s book.
Lived and worked in 3 different parts of the world. Have more that 30 years in the Education/Training industry. Taught so many students, lost count of how many!

Want to help the fight against homelessness!

Some not so interesting facts about me:

I have completed loads of training courses over the years: from a Bachelor’s Degree to Post Graduate Diploma to an MBA from Heriot Watt University.

Welcome to the World Of The Advancing Author and I absolutely look forward to our creative journey together.