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Transform Your Manuscripts Into Published Products For Fun Or Profit!

“Are you the NEXT J.K. Rowling? Or the NEXT Andrew Reynolds?”


There is no better time than now to find all of your manuscripts that you have in your desk drawers and computer files and transform them into published products for fun or profit.

How to transform your manuscript into a published product

Andrew Reynolds transformed his manuscript into a multi-million pound published product: “Copy This Idea.”

What  are you waiting for?

  • Do you have an idea for a fiction book?
  • Have you specialised knowledge that you can share to change someone else’s life?
  • Would you like to start making money from your manuscripts but don’t know where to start?
  • Have you been writing for a while but did nothing with your manuscripts?
  • And, like so many others, you are about to give up?

Well, now is hardly the time to lose heart!

The Help YOU Need  is HERE to transform your manuscript into a published product for fun or profit!

Transform your manuscript into a published product!

Whether you have a idea for a fiction book or YOU have specialised knowledge for a non-fiction book, YOU have come to the right place.
We can help you transform your manuscript that you tucked away in that drawer into a published product.

You came to the right place.

You must know this, right?

1. There is serious money to be made by PUBLISHING fiction. Check out J.K. Rowling!

2. Publishing your specialised knowledge can turn you into an expert in your field!

    Check out Andrew  Reynolds!

3. Yet, statistics show that, sadly, 97% of us started a book but NEVER  published it!

I know EXACTLY how you feel:

Transform your manuscript into a published product


•Don’t know where to start!

•Made several false-starts already!

•Ready to give up!


Attributed to Lao Tzu,  “the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.”

I would like to help you make that first step! As I did mine!

Here is the help you seek:

Join the Advancing Author Family-and become part of the 3% who defy their FEARS by transforming their manuscripts into published products!

So what to do NEXT?

1. Subscribe to Author UP right away:

2. Decide what you need help with:

how do I wrte fiction

how do I write non-fiction                                how do I publish?

how do I market my product?                                how do I use the lamp?


3. Find out How to Use the LAMP:

lamp method

4. Follow The Advancing Author:

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5. Get your “FREE PUBLISHING KICK-START KIT”  and Start Publishing Immediately!


6. Check out these Articles.

How do you find the Author in you?

What Fiction Genres Exist To Choose From?

Pick And Write Non-Fiction Genres

5 non-fiction ideas to start writing about today.

3 topics to write about without doing lengthy research.

3 quick ways to choose the right genre