3  Topics To Write About Without Doing Lengthy Research

3 Topics To Write About Without Doing Lengthy Research

3 Simple Topics To Write About Without Doing Lengthy Research

There are 3 simple topics you can write about without doing lengthy research. These topics are so simple to write about, yet many of us never begin writing. Why?  Because of FEAR! A great deal has been written about fear and what it is. All of us have experienced fear sometime or the other in our lives since it is a natural human emotion. It can serve us or rule us.
We never start writing because we fear that we must do lengthy research, learn about copyright, use writing technology, build an author platform, create e-books, and make their covers – all sorts of daunting excuses we come up with.



We also use other people’s standards to judge ourselves and by doing so, we often conclude that we are not good enough. I strongly believe that many of us fear rejection, the most. 3 Simple Topics To Write About Without Doing Lengthy ResearchFor example, J.K. Rowling was told, “not to quit her day job.” Twelve times, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was rejected. Margaret Mitchell had Gone With The Wind rejected 38 times and Stephen King’s Carrie, before it was published, was rejected 30 times. This is the kind of rejection that makes us afraid to get started!
If these, now successful authors, had listened to the opinions of others and allowed their fear of rejection to get the better of them, the world would never have had their GREAT works.
Many of us do not want to suffer the fear of rejection so we are waiting for that one GREAT idea to pop into our minds. That idea will come but until then there are lots we can write about and start publishing without doing any lengthy research!


3 Simple Topics To Write About Without Doing Lengthy Research

The first simple topic is to write about photographs you have taken

The first of the 3 simple topics to write about without doing lengthy research, is about your photographs. Start by looking at all those wonderful photographs you snapped on your phone,  stored on your hard drive or kept in the box under your bed. Believe me, it does bring back memories!
Categorise them, say childhood days, school days, travel days etc. Then pick a few. Open a simple word document and start writing about them. You know why you took those pictures and what they mean to you. Now insert the pictures into the document. Remember to save your document.
Bet that document is beginning to look real GREAT already!
You don’t even have to be a techy to do this. You can even start by arranging a scrap book that is hand written.
See, you didn’t need to do any lengthy research or use Google, yet you have a written piece!

The second simple topic is to write about the people you met

The second of the 3 simple topics to write about without doing lengthy research is about the people you met. We can use them for inspiration in your fictional writing. Change names, features etc and make up fictional characters for your stories. Or you can write about real people. Andrew Reynolds 3 Simple Topics To Write About Without Doing Lengthy ResearchSo, for example, I write about Andrew Reynolds.  He is a real living person who used his spare bedroom to start a Home Business which raked in more than 30 million pounds.

Of course, he tells his story better than I can, in his BEST SELLER BOOK, “Copy This Idea”.

You can also write about the things you learnt from people. For example, I met a Head Teacher whose mantra was: ‘Perfect your practice’. My daughter says: ‘You’re right where you are to get to where you want to be’.

Deep right? You can compile a list of wise sayings that you have heard. There you have it! No Google, Yahoo or Bing. Information for your first piece of writing already stored in your memory bank. So, what are you waiting for?

(Oh, by the way, no defamation of character when you are writing!).

See, people is another topic you can start writing about without doing any lengthy research.

The third simple topic is to write about the places you visited

3 Simple Topics To Write About Without Doing Lengthy ResearchThe third of the 3 simple topics to write about without doing lengthy research is about the places you visited.  Every day we must go places – to school, to work, to the grocery store, to the park, to church…the list goes on and on. Yet we say cannot find a setting to write about!

Do some research about the place you live in and you just might find something interesting to write about. That place could very well be the location for your story and Hollywood will come knocking!

For example, I can write:
“Out there in the Atlantic Ocean, lies an archipelago of seven hundred islands – the land of sun, sand and sea…and something else!3 Simple Topics To Write About Without Doing Lengthy Research

Don’t let FEAR hold you back. Now it’s your turn to give it a go!

David Persaud is an Author and Artist. He is the Author of the book:- "Do It Today!"; Illustrator of children's book:- "Simple Summer Fun"; The Voice behind The Advancing Author website; Producer and Narrator of more than 100 original audio-visual poems on YouTube; Product Creator, Husband and Dad. Of which, the hardest is being a Dad!