author power ebookHow Do You Find The Author In You?


“Proclaim yourself an Author. Start writing.”

“How do you find the Author in you?” How do you know that you can write? What do you write about? What if no one reads it?

These questions and more trouble many first time Authors and stop them from writing. In this article, we will seek to answer these questions and put them to rest-once and for all.

What do you say?

Start writing

Some Authors say: “Just start writing.” Sounds crazy but this is good advice. A blank sheet of paper or the blinking cursor on the screen can be daunting.

What is the objective at this stage? Some words written down, isn’t it?

Here are some tips on how to get you started:

  1. Get the topic that you want to write about.
  2. Do some research and make some notes.
  3. Make an outline.
  4. Fill in the outline with some basic sentences.

There you’ve got your start. From blank sheet to words; from blank screen to words.

Develop an Author’s mindset

No doubt, becoming a published Author requires certain skills and techniques. The Advancing Author is here to help you develop them:

Here are some tips on how to develop an Author’s mindset:

  1. Develop a broad outlook to your writing.
  2. Develop a wide variety of interests.
  3. Explore the different types of genre available.
  4. Seek expert guidance.

Develop the personal qualities of an Author

There are several qualities that you need to develop and an Author, but the main ones that will bring you success are:

  • Self-discipline
  • Perseverance
  • Determination
  • Confidence

Decide when you write

Some Authors write early in the morning; some write late at nights. This is something that you will have to work out for yourself. There is no magic bullet.
For some time, I experimented with getting up early. This didn’t quite work for me. I am more of a night owl. When everyone is in bed and the house is quiet-then my thoughts begin to flow for me.

When are you most creative?

This, I think is personal and based on individual circumstances.

Don’t stick to one time. Try out different times and see what works best for you.

It is important to gather and analyse data on yourself to help you see trends or pattrens.


Download for FREE  the exact Tracking Tool I used to discover when is the best time to write.

Choose where you write

Some Authors can write on the bus; in the train; on the plane; on the beach or in the park. While others can only write without distractions.
I spent a lot of time searching for the ideal spot. The right desk. The ideal cushions! The best computer. And the years went by.

And did I do any writing? No! I did this for quite a while. One day, my daughter told me that I was just procrastinating! Boy! Was she right!

Then I saw a picture of  Roald Dahl’s writing desk.  I concluded that a simple desk and chair will do.

And guess what guys? I got a simple desk and chair and then focused on writing and illustrating.


Need Evidence? This blog you’re reading now!

advancing author blog picture



do it today poetry book

The “Do It Today” Collection of Poems.

simple summer fun cover

“Simple Summer Fun” book which I illustrated.


youtube poems   More than 100 original poems recited on YouTube.


The point: Just settle for a corner and start writing. You will see results.

Make your own inspiration

Many Authors will tell you that there are times when they lack inspiration. You can help yourself out of this phase by creating a swipe file:

1. Keep newspaper cuttings.
2. Keep pictures of people to use for your characters.
3. Keep pictures of places for your settings.
4. Keep quotations and sentences that you like.

I can’t stress this enough. Make sure that you only use these for ideas.

So, how do you find the Author in you?

Stop looking around. Stop procrastinating.

You’ve found it! Look yourself in the mirror and:

Proclaim yourself an Author. Start writing.

So what next:

Check out: 5 non-fiction ideas to start writing about today!

3 quick ways to choose the right genre


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Can’t wait to see what you will produce.